Thank you!
Your generous support enables the Choral Society to provide meaningful community through the power of choral music, bringing joy to singers and audiences alike.
Types of Gifts
The Choral Society of the Hamptons is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and all charitable gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. If you are unsure which type of gift is most appropriate for you, please contact us.
Unrestricted gifts may be used for any appropriate purpose but are usually used to pay concert production costs and to accomplish other goals, including commissioning new works, engaging in outreach programs at assisted living and similar facilities, and giving scholarships to qualified college-bound musicians from the East End.
Directed Gifts are restricted to a stated purpose, such as scholarships or a specific upcoming concert.
An honorarium is a contribution to the Choral Society in honor of a friend or family member to celebrate special occasions or to recognize him or her by making a meaningful gift in his or her honor. A memorial gift is made in memory of a loved one to celebrate their life while expressing your sympathy to the family for their loss. The Choral Society will send a tasteful acknowledgment to the person you are honoring or to his or her family, informing them of your generosity, and you will receive a grateful acknowledgment of your gift.
We recommend that donors interested in making directed or memorial gifts, or honoraria should contact the Choral Society leadership in advance.
Item descriptionThe Choral Society has been the grateful recipient of several generous bequests which have helped enable it to serve the community continuously since 1946. By remembering the Choral Society in your estate plans, you can be sure that your gift will have an impact on future generations of the Choral Society’s audience.
AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of your eligible Charity List purchases to the Choral Society, at no extra cost to you.
Existing Amazon customers can easily convert their accounts to Smile accounts and select Choral Society of the Hamptons as their chosen charity.
They then need to enter the site using the URL:
Learn more about Amazon Smile here.
To donate by check, please make payable to “Choral Society of the Hamptons” and send to: PO Box 1031, Bridgehampton, NY 11932